Tuesday, December 31, 2019


7. Reforms/Acts
Nomenclature of the Reforms/ActsYearDuring the term ofSignificance
Prohibition of Sati & Female infanticide1829Lord William BentickSupported by Raja Rammohun Roy.
Doctrine of Lapse1848Lord DalhousieAdoption of sons by rulers in the absence of their natural heirs was banned.
Indian Councils Act1861Lord CanningEnvisaged association of Indians with the administration at higher level.
Ilbert Bill1883Lord RiponTo bring Indian and European magistracy on equal footing.
Indian Councils Act1892Lord LansdownMembership of central legislative councils was enlarged.
Morely-Minto Reforms1909Lord Minto IISeparate electroates to widen the gulf between Hindus & Muslims.
Dyarchy1919L. ChelmsfordMeaning dual system of Govt.
JaIlianwala Bagh Massacre1919L. ChelmsfordMassacre at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar by General Dyer
Rowlatt Act1919L. ChelmsfordExtraordinary powers were given to suppress the freedom struggle with General Dyer as the Commandant.
Simon commission1928Lord IrwinTo report working of the reforms; recommended dyarchy in provinces; India to be constituted as a federation and Indianization of armed forces.
Gandhi-Irwin Pact1931Lord IrwinCongress called off the agitation and agreed to participate in the Second Round Table Conference.
Communal Award1932Lord WillingdonEnvisaged communal representation for depressed classes besides Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
Separate electrorates1932Lord Willingdon(See Communal Award)
Government of India Act1935Lord WillingdonProvided for a federal type of constitution.
Cripps Mission1942Lord LinlithgowProposed Dominion status for India after the Second World War.
INA Trial1945Lord WavellINA prisoners of war were trialed at Red Fort, Delhi and Bhulabhai Desai defended them.
Wavell Plan1945Lord WavellEnvisaged constitution of executive council in such a way as to give representation to all major communities in India.
Cabinet Mission Plan1946Lord WavellEnvisaged establishment of Constituent Assembly to frame the Constitution.
Mountbatten Plan1947L. MountbattenPartition Plan
Indian lndependence Act1947L. MountbattenIndia partitioned and attained independence.

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