Saturday, January 4, 2020

Notes for UPSC-The Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Fission
  • Nuclear fission is a reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts
  • Nuclear fission can either release energy or absorb energy: for nuclei lighter than iron fission absorbs energy, while for nuclei heavier than iron it releases energy
  • Energy released can be in the form of electromagnetic radiation or kinetic energy
  • The amount of free energy contained in nuclear fuel is about a million times that contained in a similar mass of chemical fuel (like petrol)
  • The atom bomb or fission bomb is based on nuclear fission
  • Example: fission of Uranium-235 to give Barium, Krypton and neutrons
Nuclear Fusion
  • Nuclear fusion is the process by which multiple nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus
  • Nuclear fusion can result in either the release or absorption of energy: for nuclei lighter than iron fusion releases energy, while for nuclei heavier than iron it absorbs energy
  • Nuclear fusion is the source of energy of stars.
  • Nuclear fusion is responsible for the production of all but the lightest elements in the universe. This process is called nucleosynthesis
  • Controlled nuclear fusion can result in a thermonuclear explosion – the concept behind the hydrogen bomb
  • The energy density of nuclear fusion is much greater than that of nuclear fission
  • Only direct conversion of mass into energy (collision of matter and anti matter) is more energetic than nuclear fusion
  • Example: fusion of hydrogen nuclei to form helium

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